Wednesday 30 September 2015

Los Bravos are more than "Black is Black" (First Part)

Many of you may know Los bravos because of their hit song "Black is Black". This song was a big hit in the 60s, it got to number 2 in the English charts and number 4 in the American ones, which was awesome for a Spanish band of the time.

Los Bravos were formed in Spain in 1965. It was formed by five people: Mike Kennedy, the singer (real name Michael Kogel), who was German; Manolo, the keyboard player; Miguel, the bass player; Antonio, the guitar player; and Pablo, the drummer.

As I said before, their big hit was "Black is black", but they have more songs. Some of them are sung in English too, such as "Bring a little loving" (being the original sang by The Easybeats), "I don't care" (which got to number 16 in England)... but they have plenty of songs sang in Spanish. So, we are going to have a look (and listen to) some of them.

One of their first songs known in Spain was "Los chicos con las chicas" ("Boys with girls"), in which they sang in favour of the freedom of young people to live together,  boys and girls freedom to be together and sing and dance and have a walk and hold hands.

Here you have the song:

And here, the lyrics both in Spanish and English, so you can understand the song:

"Los chicos con las chicas"

Los chicos con las chicas tienen que estar
las chicas con los chicos han de vivir
y estando todos juntos deben cantar.

Los viejos pararán,me imitarán a mi     
se modernizarán, les costará reír

La edad de piedra ya pasó,
Al menos por aquí,
Y yo contigo tengo que vivir,
quiero ser feliz.

Ven, ven a vivir, ven.
Ven a vivir, ven,
Ven a vivir,
Así seremos muy felices.
Ven, ven a vivir, ven,
ven a vivir, ven
y yo te haré feliz.

Las cosas han cambiado
Yo soy feliz
Los chicos con las chicas pueden vivir.            
Por fin hemos ganado
hay que reír.
No nos impedirán
Que al anochecer
podamos pasear, bailar y hasta correr.
La gente no nos mirará
no hay nada que esconder
y hasta los viejos van a comprender
que tú has de vivir.

Ven, ven a vivir, ven.
Ven a vivir, ven,
ven a vivir,
así seremos muy felices.
Ven, ven a vivir, ven,
Ven a vivir, ven
y yo te haré feliz.

Los chicos con las chicas deben estar
Las chicas con los chicos deben vivir
y estando todos juntos deben cantar.
"Boys with girls"

Boys must be with girls
girls have to live with boys
and all together they must sing

Old people will stop, they will imitate me
they will modernize, it will be hard for them to laugh  

The Stone Age is long gone
at least over here
And I have to live with you
I want to be happy.

Come, come to live, come.
Come to live, come.
Come to live.
So we will be very happy
Come, come to live, come,
come to live, come
and I will make you happy.

Things have changed
I am happy
Boys can live with girls
We have won at last
we have to laugh.
They won't impede
that at nightfall
we can walk, dance and even run.
People won't look at us
There is nothing to hide
and even old people will understand
that you have to live.

Come, come to live, come
Come to live, come
come to live
and we will be very happy.
Come, come to live, come,
come to live, come,
and I will make you happy.

Boys must be with girls
Girls must live with boys
and all together they must sing

Another very famous song by them was "La moto" ("The motorbike"). This is a typical two minutes funny song 

Here is the song:

"La moto"

Quiero una motocicleta
que me sirva para correr
y quiero una camiseta
que tenga el número 100.

Y hacer uh uh
poder llegar a cualquier lugar,
llegar, mirar y regresar.
Yo no quiero bicicleta,
no me gusta pedalear,
ni tampoco una carreta
por lo despacio que va.

Quiero uh uh
una gran moto que corra igual
que un cohete espacial.
Yo lo que no tengo es tarjeta
para poder circular,
pues vaya una papeleta,
me tendré que examinar.

Haré uh uh,
se quedará sin poder hablar
y me felicitará.
Pero la motocicleta
cómo la voy a comprar,
si no tengo una peseta
y no sé cómo ahorrar.

Quiero uh uh
una gran moto que corra igual          
que un cohete espacial.
Haré uh uh, uh uh…

"The motorbike"

I want a motorbike
which I can run with
and I want a t-shirt
with the number 100

And to say uh uh
can get anywhere
arrive, look and come back.
I don't want a bike
I don't like cycling
nor a cart
because it goes too slow

I want uh uh
a big motorbike which runs the same
as a space rocket
What I don't have is a license
to be able to drive,
oh what a drag!
I will have to take an exam

I will say uh, uh
he will be unable to speak
and will congratulate me
But the motorbike
how am I going to buy it
as I don't have a penny
and I don't know hot to save,

I want uh uh
a big motorbike which runs the same    
as a space rocket.
I will say uh uh uh uh...

...And this is the end for now. We will listen to more of their songs and you will know more bands and more songs. Just wait for the second post!